It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new.
But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.
There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."
Groucho Marx
The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Notes From A Cat

Hello. This is Merlin. How do you like my name ? That place where they put me until Mama rescued me named me Cubby. I refused to even look at them. When Mama came to get me, I would not look at her either. When we got home, she sat in a chair by the window and she held me and talked to me with this really quiet voice. She said she would name me Merlin because I am magical. Whatever that means. It is a nice name though.
Now that she is my Mama, I know she does not have a quiet voice for everyone but she always does for me.

When she brought me home, there was already a little cat living with Mama. Her name is Minette.
She was a tiny skinny little grey kitten. I really liked her. She liked me too, she would always want to nap next to me. I let her.
Now we take our naps next to each other every day.

When we moved, out of the nice big house, to this big place with a nice big room that is outdoors, we still have lots of places to nap.
And I got another sister. sigh.
Her name is Honey.
She is huge.
I make sure she does not sit on me or sleep too close to me.
But she is a kid . And she is sweet .  Besides, Mama still likes me best. She told me so.

We all go to sleep on Mama's bed at night. She said she likes it when we are all together and she doesn't feel alone. We feel the same way.

Mama bought a chicken today. She told Minette that we would all have it for dinner with her.
Nobody has a Mama like our Mama. I am a lucky cat.



  1. Indeed you are, Merlin! You must be a very good kitty to be allowed to sleep with Mama; my kitty Lucy can't sleep with me because she drives me crazy with her painful "kneading", and WILL NOT STOP :(

  2. Oh that kneading drives me crazy ! My moms cat ( now my cat ) named Honey .. does it and she weighs a ton so it isn't that easy to just push her away lol
    I have a lot of little red holes in me these days ..

  3. This made me laugh out loud! Especially the part about Honey sitting on Merlin!

    Chicken! These are very lucky and loved cats.

    I keep watching to see if the dog at the rescue for 1456 days has found a home yet. I wish I could start a rescue. That 1.6B lotto would have helped!

    I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  4. lol Carrie ,,, we think alike. I was pondering the cost and what was needed to start a real rescue kind of place. I don't think I am up to the job but it was a thought .. but as you mentioned, Lotto would definitely help me figure it all out.


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